Do I Get Attached to My Clients as a Male Companion?
So, do I get attached to my clients as a male companion? And do my clients get attached to me?
The short answer is yes. And yes.
If I’m to do my job as a male companion properly, and to the very best of my ability, and as passionately and purposefully as possible, then how could the answer not be a categorical yes, and yes?
The clients that I retain – she and I have a very distinct and obvious connection. There is undoubtedly attachment there, and on both sides. And most importantly, it’s openly admitted, addressed, talked about, and ultimately accepted.
I love the fact that I’m attached to my best clients. It makes my job, my work and my purpose so very satisfying and so very real.
There have been instances when a relationship with a client has ceased and on the basis that the connection has become too much, too real. A situation where the client has ultimately felt that this cannot go on based on their desire – their realisation, that they want the relationship to cross over from the paid and professional to the conventional.
I completely understand this and, of course, being the realist that I am, I have come to expect that this will happen from time to time. It makes me sad when it happens and undoubtedly hurts me. But, as Mark Manson distinctly quotes, in any pursuit, any job, any passion, the pain is far more guaranteed than any so-called ‘success’ – and on this basis it’s best to ‘choose your pain’ rather than your success.
So for me, I choose this far more human and real ‘risk’ of being a male companion as opposed to, say, that of corporate world synthetic stress. I say this hands down and without question.
I have clients who tell me that, despite the deep level of connection and attachment they feel, that they don’t foresee a time in the future when they would want to cease our arrangement, our relationship; nor do they desire for it to become anything other than professional/arranged. And when I ask more on this and probe further, they tell me it’s because they feel there is an element of safety and control that they find when it is paid, arranged and on their terms. More often than not, this is from a woman who has already lived the more conventional life (so, for example, having already been married) and no longer feels inclined to continue to seek that same, or even similar, arrangement.
Just finally, not every client and myself become attached, of course. Often, it’s the very detachment itself that they are seeking from me through this client/escort arrangement and dynamic. And as I always say, if that’s what they need from me, then that’s what (and how) I’m absolutely thrilled to provide for them.
Kate and I have been meeting for a long time now, and she has volunteered this amazing response:
Attachment to a male escort could maybe be envisioned as the worst possible outcome to this scenario but after seeing Lucius for over 12 months now I would have to challenge this completely. Simply, as a woman that has tolerated years of abuse and neglect, seeing Lucius and the dynamic and connection we share provided me with a level of control, safety and support I had never experienced. This support guided me and gave me the confidence to see that what I was enduring was actually abuse on every level. There is no denying that this dynamic, my attachment and connection to Lucius, allowed me to have the confidence to leave that horrific situation without any pressure on what I should do. Just pure support.
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