My thoughts on what makes straight male escorts uniquely different
As a premium male escort in Sydney, this is what clients value most
If you were to choose an escort (and by ‘choosing’ I mean with the intention of making a booking and meeting them), what (or who) do you think you’d be drawn to? Is it the danger and excitement of a bad boy, or would you prefer the safety of someone you’d likely meet in a pub, bar or party setting be more appealing?
One of the things I love about my client relationships is how openly we talk; I’m not sure I’d be experiencing these same unfiltered, rich conversations if the role I played in their lives wasn’t that of a heterosexual male escort. The connections are genuine, making me think that there’s a massive difference between what straight women ultimately search for compared to straight men.
Both may reach out to satisfy physical needs. But how commonly do men venture into territory beyond that? Because women are. They’re feeling the fear and doing it anyway, giving voice to their most private self in pursuit of their own satisfaction.
Having the courage to acknowledge that there’s something more is why a growing number of Sydney women are engaging straight male escorts. Clients tell me that what they value is more than just the physical engagement – it’s the things that makes the physical so much better.
And it’s all part of taking back control over their bodies.
‘With a straight male escort I have a safe space to explore and enjoy’
I have no doubt that if you asked any of my clients about what they value most about our relationship, they wouldn’t immediately talk about physical desire; it would be more around the experience of having their choices respected and valued.
Yes, they’re empowered to explore their own sexuality, prioritise their pleasure, and exercise control over their experiences. But that can only occur because we’re in a safe space where they can talk without unease of judgement, fear, or shame; a space where their stories are valued, their choices are acknowledged, and their needs are respected.
“Simply, as a woman that has tolerated years of abuse and neglect, seeing Lucius and the dynamic and connection we share provided me with a level of control, safety and support I had never experienced.”
‘With a male escort, my needs are fulfilled on my terms’
From physical intimacy to connection and companionship
By asserting their right to fulfill their desires on their own terms, women are reclaiming their power for choice. Because companionship and intimacy? It looks different for everyone.
Most clients reach out to meet a physical need which, over time, encompasses more. Some women seek to experience that which they’re not experiencing in their day-to-day lives – often intimacy, a greater connection or companionship. Others seek an experience that’s purely on their terms – without fuss, with the confidence of privacy and discretion, and as they like it.
“I could and I did talk to Lucius about anything and everything in my life. He awakened a deeply human part of me that I’d never allowed before and through this came epic escape, release, and a side to myself I didn’t know existed. Which I could then take back to my everyday reality. It’s amazing the effect this has had on my life. Almost indescribable.”
‘Lucius gives me the freedom to explore who I am beyond my roles as a mother and employer’
Truly personal desires, opinions and thoughts can be shared with a straight male escort
Clients regularly say they love the escape from preconceptions of who they should be – instead, they’re seen for who they are.
There’s no fulfilling the role of partner or a mother. No judgements of best friends and family members. And no perceptions of who they are professionally.
Each experience is individually personal – my clients dictate the terms of the experience, from choosing when, where and how we spend our time to deciding the activities we engage in.
More importantly, women write their own unique narrative in a space where there’s no fear of being judged for putting her needs first, and no ramifications from speaking honestly and openly. It’s a space where they safely explore any truly personal desires, opinions and thought processes without shame.
It’s why I always say you can tell more to an escort than to anyone else in your actual life – it’s just the freedom to be.
“To be present and to be happy as a woman and as a mother isn’t a given. I for one am glad I stepped outside of the perfectly manicured box of apparent perfection and became who I should have always been. My true self.”

As a straight male escort, I see courage and empowerment as women control their sexuality
Talking with my clients shows the diverse range of stories that we’re all told. Straight men and straight women are both socialised to believe that women should be passive recipients of male desire – not active pursuers of their own satisfaction. But as far as stories go, it’s pure fiction.
And I think this is why women are unique in how they value what a male escort brings to the table bedroom.
With far more demand for straight male escorts than ever before (at least in Sydney), women are clearly rewriting those stories.
It’s why this #IWD2024 International Women’s Day, we need to consider the theme of #CountHerIn in a broader context – namely, just how influential those ‘stories’ are in limiting the control women have over their bodies.
Because pleasure is a fundamental human right – not a set of arbitrary social ‘rules’ that limit how both men and women can experience that right.
“In a world that is so fast paced and disconnected that people are disregarded with a single swipe, Lucius just walks in and constantly sweeps me off my feet. When we are together things seem to fade away and I think in these times, I’ve rediscovered parts of who I am and who I want to be.”
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Please do reach out to me via the Contact Form if ever I can be of help. I’d absolutely love to hear from you!