Looking for a Male Escort on the Lower North Shore of Sydney?
I’m a male escort on the lower north shore of Sydney and I do tend to think and ponder a lot. (I do love to, I must confess.)
One evening I was sat at my desk in my Sydney apartment, doing some writing with an apple music playlist humming in the background. On came the beautifully solemn song Sunny Road by Emiliana Torrini. And it really got me thinking on the whole concept of the clash of perspectives on marriage and families vs. the single life—and the ever-so-human predicament of the grass is always greener.
‘I never married,
Never had those kids.
I loved too many.
Now heaven’s closed its gates’.
In my life and in my profession, I’ve seen, observed, sensed and felt the following paradox on so many levels:
- People who got married and had children early, who wish for a life they feel they lost or missed out on
- Single people, who long for a life partner and family and universal bliss long after ”heaven’s closed its gates”
It really is the human condition to want what you do not have—want what you think or perceive would be better. To have the whole ‘grass is always greener’ perception clouding, and even dominating, our thinking.
And apparently, we can only have one or the other.
Apparently, we must choose.
Apparently, we are still living by various medievally-founded baseline thought patterns.
And hence the grass will always be greener.
Throw in the toxic revelation of social media into the mix to help beef up the keeping up with the Jones (or in the very minimum, keeping up appearances), warping our thinking on how exponentially, inhumanly, splendidly and blissfully happy everyone else is living. (Remember, I’m a male escort on the lower north shore of Sydney, and Sydney is a world leader in the perception is 9/10s of the law approach to life).
And with all of this—we have the perfect cocktail for disillusionment and mid-life crisis. Is all this psychologically instilled and largely unnatural anguish really necessary?
Anyway—I have a dream.
I dream that we can start to allow ourselves to be more human, to think more openly, to act more openly. Stop judging others so harshly—cause we’re only mugging ourselves when we judge others. It’s actually always first and foremost a self judgement and we must begin to come to terms with this stark fact.
Just like Thomas Anthony Harris once wrote:
I’m OK.
You’re OK.
Don’t you just love that?
This dream isn’t about perfection, don’t get me wrong. In fact, I tend to think it’s about the complete opposite—I’m dreaming of a world filled with wonderfully embraced imperfection.
I was discussing this with a client the other day and this is what she had to say:
The grass is always greener. What a myth. As someone that married early and had those kids, that house, that successful business. I can honestly say that supposedly having it all and having that perfect life that society tells us we need, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Seeing Lucius. A male escort. Was a step many people won’t understand but through this process I re-discovered myself, my happiness and what I truly wanted out of my life and my future.
To be present and to be happy as a woman and as a mother isn’t a given. I for one am glad I stepped outside of the perfectly manicured box of apparent perfection and became who I should have always been. My true self.
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